Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Daniel 9:27  And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.


 1st seal (Revelation 6:1-2)- the first horseman ride on a white horse, the rider identify as the Antichrist. He will come as Christ and will conquer the people by deception. He will come as peacemaker and with that there will be a false peace.

2nd seal (Revelation 6:3-4)- the 2nd horseman on a red horse which represents the great red dragon(Revelation 12:3) and had given to the power to take the peace on earth, destructions will followed because people will kill each other, this would mean a a war will breakout.

3rd seal (Revelation 6:5-6) - the rider rides on a black horse with a pair of balances in his hand- symbolizing the economy. Because of war there will be famine.

4th seal ( Revelation 6: 7-8) - the rider rides on a pale Horse and the his name is Death and Hell followed him. As the second seal and third seal broke out the results will be pestilence, diseases because the dead of body of human and animals, and starvation due to famine and killed by the war there will be millions deaths as the scripture says one quarter of the earth.

5th seal (Revelation 6:9-11) - The martyr which are slain because of the Word of God and held their testimony. The word "under the altar" may signifies of the place of sacrifices or offerings. it speaks of their prayer of seeking justice and vengeance.

6th seal ( Revelation 6:12-17) - Their will be a great earthquake not a natural calamities cause by nature but by a supernatural judgment of God.

    Interlude: sealing of 144,000 Jews , they were protected from the coming wrath of God( Revelation 7:4-8 )

7th seal (Revelation 8:1) - Silence in Heaven ( Revelation 8:1) prior to the breaking of the seventh seal there will be silence in heaven within half an hour. The silence indicates that something terrible will happen. In the opening of this seventh seal the seven trumpets will be sounded.


1st Trumpet (Revelation 8: 6-7) - Because of hail storm third part of trees were burned up and also vegetation which cause famine. This correlates the Egyptian plague (Exodus 9:18-26).

2nd Trumpet (Revelation 8: 8-9) -"As it where great mountain" this may a meteoric event that resembled to blazing mountain. The result were the sea turned to blood because of third part of sea and ships are destroyed. This correlates the Egyptian plague (Exodus 7: 14-21).

3rd Trumpet (Revelation 8: 10-11) the great star fell from heaven and it fell to the bodies of waters. The third part of waters became "wormwood" means bitterness, this means the water of rivers, springs and fountains become bitter and many men will die. This reminds us the miracle of Marah (Exodus 15:23-25).

4th Trumpet (Revelation 8:12) third pard of the day will be in total darkness because of the sun, moon and star will be darkened. This cause trouble for life on earth. This correlates the Egyptian plague (Exodus10:21-23).

Three Woe (Revelation 8:13) - The Three woe is the announcement of an angel of the three more trumpets to be sounded- first is the fifth trumpets, second woe is the sixth trumpet and the third woe is the seventh trumpet. The three woe is warnings of the severity of consummation of God's judgements.

5th Trumpet (Revelation 9:1-12) the angel will open the bottomless pit and demons like locust will come out to torment men for the period of five months. The demons have a king whose name is Abaddon means destroyer.

6th Trumpet (Revelation 9:13-21) - an army of 200,000,00 horse like creatures will appear to kill the third part of men.

7th Trumpet (Revelation 11: 15-19) It introduce the last three and half years of great tribulation. The sounding of seventh trumpets is at the middle of Tribulation(Revelation 11,12)


1st vial (Revelation 16:2) - the first plague is pouring the noisome and grievous sore upon had the mark of the beast and worship his image.

2nd vial ( Revelation 16:3) - great bodies of water will become like blood because of dead men and sea creatures.

3rd vial ( Revelation 16:4-7)- source of drinking water will be contaminated. in this verse an angel declare that God is righteous and He is judge righteously.

4th vial ( Revelation 16:8-9) the scorching heat of the sun will scorch men however the this plague will cause men to blaspheme God and will not repented and give glory to Him.

5th vial (Revelation 16:10-11) - this plague of darkness is directly to the set of the beast, and to his kingdom. This cause of pains and sores because they will not repent and blaspheme God.

6th vial (Revelation 16:12) - the vials will pour out to the great river Euphrates and the water will dried up to make way to the kings of the east. This is signifies the armies of the orient have part of battle of Armageddon.

7th vial (Revelation 16:17-21) - the mighty and grate earthquake will cause islands and mountains to disappear. The word It is done from the voice in the throne of heaven signifies the completion of God's plan. Men will realise and suffer the consequences of God's wrath.

Judgment of Babylon (Revelation 17 - 18) the Harlot Church will be judge along with its head, the beast or false prophet who sit in the power of the political power the Anti-Christ. God will allow them to fulfil His divine plan and will destroy them shortly before Armageddon.


(Revelation 19:11-21). Nebuchadnezzar saw a stone cut out of mountain (Daniel 2:34) this is the result of the battle. The Lord Jesus will appear from above and defeat the enemies.

Results of the Battle:

  • The armies of the antichrist will be destroy.
  • The beast and the false prophet will be thrown alive into the lake of fire.
  • Rotten bodies will be feasted by vultures.
  • Jesus will come to earth upon mount olives.
  • Satan will be bound and lock in the bottomless pit for one thousand years.
  • The setting of Kingdom of Jesus upon earth and Jerusalem is the capital.


The Final judgment to those who does not have part of the first resurrection.

Satan will deceive the nation once again but will thrown to lake of fire.

Former earth will purged with fire

ZOOM OUT: Graph of the Timeline of Events of Daniel and Revelation

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Daniel 9:27     And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the ...